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 Zobrazení samostatného příspěvku / Diskuze: Co nového chystá Citroen
17.09.2015 15:04 - Re: Co nového chystá Citroen
nějaké info z rozhovoru s bosem PSA Carlosem Tavaresem:

The boss said we could ...
Are there Citroën still room for a large sedan? A new C5?

Carlos Tavares: Citroën may opt for such a model. Nothing prevents them. But it must be profitable. Unprofitable proposals are the only taboo that exists at PSA. Because we need to protect the future of our society, our capacity to invest our profits in new products. via citronfeng

ohledně hydropneumatického odpružení, důvody pro zrušení jsou (údajně) následující :

dixit a PSA framework with whom I have discussed recently ...

A good reason to stop a hydropneumatic suspension ... is that it costs more to manufacture 5000eu per vehicle!

oficiální prohlášení Lindy Jackson z Frankfurtu:

"Citroën will abandon the hydropneumatic solution that had the specificity of its premium vehicles for 60 years, the benefit of classics suspensions, confirmed Tuesday the boss of French car brand, Linda Jackson.
"The hydropneumatic suspension, we created it in the past, but now there are more modern technologies, cheaper for the same sensations," Ms. Jackson has said to reporters on the sidelines of the Frankfurt auto show.
Ms. Jackson has confirmed that these suspensions would disappear with the C5, the current high-end sedans Citroën late career. They are available in their evolution "Hydractive 3".
Tested on the Traction Avant in 1954, hydropneumatic suspensions had helped make the DS, presented the following year, a landmark model in automotive history.
The chevrons brand was equipped with this technology many top models (SM, CX, XM, C6) but also medium sedans (GS, BX or Xantia).
To "Citroënistes" regret that the plush comfort and holding imperial road which had become synonymous hydropneumatic, Ms. Jackson has promised that its brand would not forget his legacy.
"At Citroën, suspensions, it is something very important is an asset. But today we have the most modern technology to create the same feeling. It will be very important for Citroën in the future "she assured.

Frankfurt, September 15, 2015 (AFP) - Š 2015 AFP

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