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 Zobrazení samostatného příspěvku / Diskuze: Economy Mode
21.12.2022 09:59 - Re: Economy Mode
Co si myslíte o tomto postupu prodloužení Economy Mode:

Economy mode extend.
Hook up Diagbox, switch on ignition and allow it to identify the vehicle.
Select Fault Finding and complete the Global Test.
1. Allow the test to complete fully, then scroll right to the top and select BSI.
2. Press the green tick bottom right of screen to confirm selection.
3. Follow any instructions to switch the ignition off / on as required.
4. From the next menu, slect Repair.
5. Next select Configuration.
6. Then choose Manual Configuration.
7. Next, select Vehicle Configuration.
8. Now choose Driver Information.
9. Scroll down the list / next page until you see the option for 'Battery Charge Estimate Function'.
10. Highlight this selection with the mouse, then press the green tick, bottom right of screen.
11. Now press the green tick again and you will see 3 options.
12. Select the 'Present, Done by the Built in Systems Interface option. It should be the last option.
13. You will be returned to the previous screen, where at the bottom right, is a Cog Wheel, next to the green tick button.
14. Press the Cog Wheel button only - do not press the green tick button!
15. This will apply the configurations and the entry should now have changed.
16. If you have the 'Present, Done by the Built in Systems Interface' option showing you have done it correctly.
17. Now press the arrow at the bottom left of the screen, to keep backing out of the menus, all the way to the front screen, then close Di

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